Worse Than a Two Timing Lover
I’ll be honest folks. We are now down to three weeks until we go on vacation, 18 days left at work, and less than a month before the big move, and I’M STARTING TO FREAK OUT. I feel like there is no time left to do any of the things I had hoped to do before we left.
Like go have beers and play skee ball at the hole in the wall bar down the road called Sammie’s just one time.
Or splurge and finally use our Restaurant.com certificate to Zebra.
Or see Harry Potter in Imax 3D because there isn’t Imax or 3D anything in Candler.
Or eat at all of our favorite restaurants like Pei Wei, Cafe Nirvana and happy hour at Cantina one more time.
And it never dawned on me as this past winter drew back into the shadows it took with it our last chance to ride the light rail uptown and catch a Checkers game.
No more Pumpkin Cutting at the Jamison’s.
No more dinner parties with the couch pulled up to the table because we are out of seating.
No more loukoumades or gyros at the annual Greek Festival.
Or Dead Bob shows at the Renaissance Festival (that I have attended every.single.year that I have lived here).
I know we have known this was coming for a while and have fought tooth and nail to make it happen. I also knew that because the BAR was so close to the actual move that there would be very little time to live it up before we leave. But now that it’s close I’m begging for just a little more time to do a couple of things we’ve always said we would do and to repeat a few of the ones that we’ve loved dearly. After almost eight years we still don’t refer to this city as home, but I am being surprised every day at just how much it really has been.
This is the only life I’ve known since I became an adult and lived on my own. It’s the security blanket I’ve snuggled into for years now. I can’t explain how it feels adequately. I loved Charlotte, then grew to despise it, and now I am very ready to leave it, but I want to hold onto it. I’m worse than a two timing lover!