Week 25: Wishing For A Babymoon

Baby-wise I don’t have a lot to really say about this past week. I can’t really say I’ve grown in size all that much, and outside of baby kicks now and then, and this belly, I could sometimes forget that I am pregnant. I’ll consider myself lucky, I was dreading being pregnant in the heat of summer and worried I would feel miserable.

This week I got three solid crossfit WODs in, then Thursday and Friday I let myself take a break and enjoy the days however I wanted. Thursday I grabbed a plate of biscuits and gravy at the Miami with my Granny before spending the rest of the day with Liz and Aylett. We just ran errands and enjoyed a long lunch at Dough before winding down at Liz and Clint’s house. It was just what the doctor ordered. Sometimes it’s nice to just be with your best friend and do a lot of nothing and everything all at the same time.

Friday it was back to some move admin (finding a USDA certified veterinarian for the dogs’ travel/move health clearance), some errands, another stopover at Liz’s, then dinner with Hannah and Jeffry before meeting Will back at the house. He came in for the collection of weddings we had the next day.

Saturday I attended two weddings/receptions, one a friend from high school and the other my cousin Brittany’s. Of course they were taking place close to an hour apart in location and nearly at the same time so I felt like I did a lot of running, and not so much participating, but I’m really glad I was able to make an appearance at both.

Sunday Will and I enjoyed breakfast with his parents and then he hit the road back to Alabama, and I went to spend the afternoon at a friend’s pool. The biggest challenge I’ve been facing lately is missing time with Will. I’m sure I just got spoiled having lots of quality time with him in South Dakota, but it really sucks going from that to having next to no time with him. He has come home almost every two weeks since SOS started, but his time here is taken up by family and friends. I feel wrong asking for time for myself considering I’ve had my share, and will have my share after the move, but I still miss him.

I realized the other day that outside of a few short weeks (like 3.5!) when we get to Turkey, which will most likely be filled with getting the house and our lives settled, and hopefully a week or two in Germany before the baby comes, our time as a family of two is over. I’m obviously very excited to meet our little one and get to know us as a family of three, but I’ve always cherished Will and I’s alone time and I’m struggling that we won’t really have an opportunity to take a few days and soak it in before everything changes. I truly understand the value of a babymoon at this point. I would give anything to take a week just Will and I, reflecting on and cherishing our relationship, and taking a quick break together before greeting Baby J.

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