Week 22: There’s No Place Like Home

The last thing we wanted to do after getting home was to get back in the car, but since it was Memorial Day weekend we toughed it out and drove to the lake Sunday morning to see my family and start working on our tans for the summer. Sunday ended up being a little overcast, but Monday morning was filled with bright sunshine, warm weather, Van Morrison tunes floating through the air, and mimosas (fauxmosas for me) on the dock with my nearest and dearest. I closed my eyes and let the happiness and contentment wash over me. Three years I had been waiting to get back to the lake, and that moment couldn’t have been more perfect.

The rest of the week Will and I spent trying to visit as many people as possible, and for Will, trying to get in a sufficient amount of fishing trips with his Dad before he had to report to Squadron Officers School. Jim chased cows, I joined a new crossfit gym, we had dinner with Will’s parents every night, we visited Grandparents, and ate LOTS of our families’ Southern cooking.

The weekend came and we enjoyed some much missed time with our friends checking out some of the many new breweries that have opened in town. As an odd coincidence, Will’s boss-to-be once we get to Turkey was in Asheville with his new fiancé for the weekend, so we got to meet them and have a few drinks as well.

Finally getting some quality time with sweet baby Aylett and Lizzie

Sunday morning Will once again loaded the car and headed to Montgomery. It sounds silly since I see him all the time, and for the most part it just being the two of us for the past two years, but I miss him already. You get used to having your other half around and then to suddenly find yourself alone kind of sucks. I am grateful that at least this time I’ve got family and friends to keep me company instead of the lonely plains of South Dakota.

Back to Baby News
My belly is really starting to pop, and I’m loving the little kicks I’m feeling. I keep trying to let Will feel them, but even when Baby is kicking hard on the inside, from the outside you still can’t feel anything. I can’t wait to see Will’s face when he finally does.

Not much else to report other than after a week of eating southern food I have finally gained enough weight to get back to my original starting weight plus a pound. I’m not afraid to gain the necessary weight. I want our baby to be fully nourished and to grow as it should, but I’m not fool enough to think that biscuits and gravy are the best way to put on the weight. Starting day one of week 23 it’s back to crossfitting and getting my diet back on track…with the occasional ice cream cone or a biscuit filled with my Granny’s homemade jelly 😉

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