Three Month Resolutions
I mentioned before that I’m at a loss for New Year’s resolutions, so instead I’m going to focus on the next three months. Husband is away and his job is literally to get in better shape and become a better man. I’m not sure I know how to put myself through boot camp, but I do feel it’s important for me to work as hard as I can to become better myself while he’s gone. So here are a few three month resolutions and projects I’ve come up with better my health, prepare for the move and life in South Dakota, and help me get through these months without focusing too much on being alone.
1. Develop a workout plan with 2-3 strength training days and 2-3 cardio (running) days each week.
2. Blog regularly…with pictures!
3. Go vegan for a week.
4. Give up alcohol for a week.
5. Unpack, purge, organize and repack our household stuff – and only take/keep the essentials. The goal this year is to live clutter-free!
6. Turn our massive collection of photos into yearly photo books on Shutterfly.
7. Be steadfast in my focus on eating whole, unprocessed, high-vegetarian/vegan diet.
8. Make pillows and canvas art for our new home.
9. Research and buy a new bed, sofa, coffee table, and dining room table.
10. Juice more.
11. Makes the rounds visiting family and friends before I leave.
12. Develop a list of potential housing options in Rapid City.
13. Secure a job. <–lucky number 13!
I feel slightly overwhelmed with everything I have going one. I realize there is a good chance that some of these will not come to fruition, but I’m going to try my best.
Tell me about your New Year’s, three month or even one week resolutions!