The Hiatus

When I took a few days off of blogging to try to get my head above water I had no idea it would turn into a month long hiatus. I would say I’m sorry, but in the last month I can count few days where I haven’t worked till dinnertime or been running rampant trying to get our life and move in order. I would imagine that wouldn’t make for very good material 🙂
So why don’t we catch up?
Prepare yourselves, this is going to be a long one!
Since January 27, Husband and I have found a place to live in South Dakota. A three bedroom house with a lovely fenced in back yard for the dogs, and best of all FREE snow removal!
We have finished the flooring, painting, and part of the decorating for mom and dad’s big home renovation project.
I took a much needed weekend getaway trip with Liz (and eventually Clint) to her family’s cabin in Brevard, NC. It involved hours of hiking through almost completely undeveloped mountainside, the dogs running to their hearts’ content, practically a case of wine, amazing food, amazing views, and just one more reminder of the great friendship we share.
You guys comin’?
I got to see Husband for about a week which included getting to meet his boot camp classmates, dressing up in a fancy dress for Dining Out (a formal dinner with all kinds of weird but awesome Air Force rituals and events), watching Husband march in his dress blues, COT graduation, celebrating Valentine’s Day with Chilean sea bass, bok choy and wild mushroom risotto (and champagne of course), touring the base he is calling home until mid-April, LOTS of kisses and snuggling (although I’m still not satisfied), a happy hour dinner of enough oysters and seafood to choke an army, and the making of a few new friends who are all too familiar with the transition and new life we are embarking upon.
However reluctantly I had to leave Husband, it was for a very good reason. We SOLD OUR HOUSE!!!!! I cannot begin to tell you what a relief that was. However it was not without a pretty contracting bill for “little fixes” and a surprise water leak that required our master bedroom ceiling to be cut, re-patched, and re-textured.
From Charlotte I hit the road again to go to our lake house to celebrate my aunt’s birthday. A day of wine tasting, nonsense, and another dinner brimming with seafood I was officially exhausted.
Which gets me to this past weekend where sister picked up her new puppy Zoe, then a delightful brunch with the girls (think whole grain bread, fried eggs, asparagus slivers, avocado dressing, fresh fruit salad, and cauliflower hash browns…and champagne of course), corn hole, dinner, and bowling until the wee hours of the morning.
And finally today I met with the moving estimator to go over our things (spread out over three locations) with a fine toothed comb to determine exactly what our move would involve.
So we are one more step closer to moving. Six weeks and a couple of days till we drive away. As of today I’m really over being away from Husband. I’m very sad to leave our friends and family, but I am ready to move on with things and get into this new life ahead of us. I feel very antsy, very bored, and very tired of waiting. I’ve got a birthday party for our nephew Noah this weekend in South Carolina, a trip to Florida to visit my Grandparents, a couple of weeks to visit Husband one more time, a weekend of organizing and helping the movers, Easter and celebrating my parents, Great Grandmother (she’ll be 90 this year!), and my birthdays, then a couple of nights in Nashville before meeting Husband in Memphis for the big drive to go. My head is spinning just thinking about all of that.
In other words bear with me. I’m here, just trying to survive 🙂

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