The Black Hills

I woke up Sunday morning expecting a mad hangover, but much to my surprise I felt ok. I put my clothes from the day before back on, since I had nothing else with me as we weren’t planning on staying, and we walked groggily into the breakfast room. We would hardly classify the available food as breakfast. Something about the squeeze butter and white bread in a plastic bin just didn’t appeal to us, so we opted for some coffee and a donut and got on the road.
I wasn’t aware Husband had planned to take a detour out to Sheridan Lake, but I was so glad he did. It was just beautiful!

Husband fishing at the Hill City visitor center

We spent the rest of the day letting the dogs run around, driving through the hills, checking out camping spots, fishing, and daydreaming of owning a camper or at least a bigger tent so we could set up camp wherever we felt like.

Crazy eyes

Husband’s first catch in South Dakota!

Sheridan Lake

We definitely plan on coming back over the summer and spending a few weekends here.
There were a number of little pull offs in the Black Hills National Park so we parked in one and Husband threw out a line while the dogs and I soaked up some sun.

And Jim went swimming.
There was no stopping him. He didn’t hesitate for a second before walking straight into the stream (much to Husband’s chagrin) and floating around a bit, happy as a clam.

Jim admired the beauty of the Black Hills…
and Jeannie smiled for the camera.

They kept a close eye on Dad while he fished.

Then we made our way home. By this time our stomachs were growling (donuts don’t hold you over long), but we were down to a scarce level of groceries in the fridge, so we had a make-shift lunch of whole wheat spaghetti with asparagus and white truffle salt, enjoyed out on the deck. It was SO good after a morning without breakfast, and a tummy raw after a day of drinking. Ironically it was the first time we had eaten at our little table together. I bought it when we first moved into the barn anticipating candlelit dinners on beautiful Fall evenings. They just never happened.

Husband went out fishing again with a buddy from work (I’ll post on his catch later), I napped, did laundry, and cleaned, then we winded down on the couch for our Sunday night date night…pizza and Netflix 🙂
A beautiful weekend, spent with the loves of my life. I can’t begin to tell you how thankful I am for this time. For the connection with Husband, feeling the love grow again between us. Seeing our dogs smile as they stomp through creeks and dig in the dirt. Feeling the warm sunshine on our shoulders and having the time to simply relax and do whatever our hearts want to do. I will never take for granted just how perfect God’s plan is. I hoped and prayed that our time here would be restorative and renewing, I just had no way of knowing JUST HOW good it would actually be. I’m once again dumbfounded at how God knows our hearts better than we do, and how in spite of us fighting it constantly, he will put us where we are supposed to be, for his own reasons, not ours. And so often, if not every time, the outcome will be so far greater than anything we could have created for ourselves. The most perfect life lesson…let go, and let God.
Happy Monday!

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