The Barn Door’s Open…Come On In!

June 5, 2011

If you took the time to read my last three posts, Bless Your Heart!! I say that in my biggest southern drawl and toothy grin y’all 🙂

If you didn’t don’t worry, you didn’t miss much besides my life story and the truth behind why I will be living in a barn. I say that with just a touch of sarcasm but mostly understanding for not wanting to read my long winded story telling 🙂

In the past I have tried to author several blogs. My first attempt was writing as a columnist for an online college women’s magazine called ChickSpeak where I covered the Career & Finance and Body & Mind sections and later blogged weekly about Husband and I’s first year of marriage. My second attempt was my take on a healthy living and food blog under the name Life Lite. I quickly discovered that although I do love fitness, and nutrition and food are probably my biggest passions to date, I still like to skip the gym and veg on the couch while eating a roll of cookie dough from time to time, or drink a few too many dark beers with friends when I feel like it, not to mention consistency in anything (most notably an exercise routine) has never been something I’ve been able to master. I just didn’t feel right trying to represent a wholesome, lighthearted (and bodied), model for healthy living. My most recent foray into the blogging world was through Skirt was great for me for a while. It gave me a chance to get my thoughts out of my head and onto my computer screen. Tending to be a person who thinks entirely too much and more often than not likes to talk seriously about serious things the Skirt community embraced me with open arms. Those ladies are strong! And serious! And passionate! And witty! And political! And the list could go on, but the point is it still didn’t let me just be me.

So I’ve taken a while off from writing now to think about what I really want in a blog. To put it simply I want to be able to write about anything and everything that I feel like. I don’t want to be tied down to a certain niche or forced to come up with something substantial and meaningful for every single post. I want a place to release my thoughts, share and receive inspiration and to document what is surely the most exciting time in Husband and I’s life so far. And most importantly of all, I want my blog to take me places. Both literally and metaphorically. I want to explore new places and activities and share them with you, and I want to explore my heart and discover what really makes me tick.

With much thought I came up with a few key categories that I hope will encompass all of my big plans, but being the ever anal person that I am, will provide a little structure and organization along the way.

On The Barn you will find the following tags/sections: (separate pages to come at a later date)

Life In A Small Town – The howdy’s, lack of privacy, back roots every day living in a small mountain town.

The Lost Arts – Rediscovering the skills that modern day technology has all but rendered useless. See this section for canning, knitting, gardening, beekeeping, farming, and any other backwoods old school skill I determine worthy.

Discovering Our Hometown – Asheville is known for being beautiful and full of retirees, but I plan to showcase what really makes Asheville, Asheville. Interviews with local business owners, field trips to local farms and breweries, scenic hikes on the Blue Ridge Parkway and many other experiences to be found in the place I call home.

Barn Life – Simply our life.

Farm Food – Recipes and food to feed your soul (hopefully). Mostly vegetarian, always delicious.

Thank you so much for joining me. From our barn to yours, the door’s always open so y’all come in and sit for a spell!

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