Storknesting Sightseeing: Trier
I had intended to do a series of posts with all the places we traveled before Miss A made her arrival, but now that she is here you can imagine time to sit down in front of a computer and actually type (with both hands at least) is a little hard to come by. So, my recaps will probably be a little shorter than I had planned.
Before Aubrey was born, Will took a few extra days of leave so he could come up to Germany a little early. We decided to do this so in case she came early he would be here, but also, in the case that she just came on time or late, we would have a few days to spend together and enjoy the country.
Lucky for us she allowed us about a week to get some traveling in and make the most of our last bit of time just the two of us.
Our first adventure was to the city of Trier, which is just over an hour away from where we are staying in Landstuhl. I put a 1.5 hour drive limit on the places we could go, assuming that if I did go into labor that would more than likely at least give us enough time to get back to the hospital, even if it was a fast labor.
Trier was a beautiful little town, with a large area designated to pedestrians out to enjoy the various restaurants and shops lining the cobblestone streets.
We toured a church, bringing back memories of our high school trips abroad where we felt like we saw every church in Europe. Seeing the exquisitely designed churches now, I have a lot more appreciation for the stunning detail and craftsmanship that it took to create them.
We didn’t do much other than walk around taking in the scenery and meandering through stores, then stopping for lunch and coffee on the square.
Being 39 weeks pregnant, and pretty miserable, I could only go so far at a time which meant we were a slow moving pair.
I don’t think I will ever get over the ornate and colorful German buildings around here. They make our concrete skyscrapers back home seem so boring.
After our coffee we made our way back to Landstuhl. After spending weeks alone, it was so nice to have my partner in crime back with me and the opportunity to explore a little bit. Even if it did result in swollen feet and an aching back 🙂