Hello Again + DIY Spray Painted Vases Part I
So cool fact, I haven’t written on here since July of 2017. That’s over two years ago but who’s counting. A super quick update for those of you wondering where the heck we are and what we are doing these days…we moved from Asheville, NC to the Greenville, SC area about 5 months ago, and have been busy at work renovating the house we bought. If you remember from before we fully gutted and renovated the last house we were in and SWORE we would never do that much work again. Alas, apparently in some sadistic way we love that kind of work, and love giving new life to older homes even more. So here we are.
Due to the immense amount of time and brain space it takes to renovate a home, I’ve accepted it as my full time job (in addition to caring for our two little girls). If you aren’t following me on Instagram yet please do! I’m over there @laurenajamison. Most days my stories are filled with sharing my latest project, new decor and thrift finds, life with kids, and some travel thrown in of course!
My husband is still in the Air Force reserves and we still love our ties to our military community. Thank you to all of you who have picked up either or both of our books about getting into the JAG, and what that looks like as a spouse. If you found my blog because of those topics you can find our books here and here.
Ok so let’s move onto something a little more interesting that our life story. Lately I have been hit hard with a thrifting bug and it led me to this beauty of a vase.
I picked it up because the shape reminded me of one I saw from McGee and Co., and this one had some great texture on it that would make it even easier to create a sort of cement/stone look to it. I snagged it up for the hefty price of $3.99. This was the inspo, check out that price tag!

Using some Rustoleum Cement spray paint I sprayed two coats on to fully cover the pale pink and blue design. I didn’t love the silver color that I was left with so then I came back through with a darker grey to add some dimension and darken the color a touch. I used sweeping motions with the darker grey. My goal wasn’t to fully cover the cement color, just to add some variation and make it look a little more like an imperfect dark cement. The result was exactly what I was hoping for.
It’s hard to see the variation in the picture above, but if you look at the picture below the reflection shows a lighter spot in the back.
It’s the perfect size for the entryway table I’m planning to build, and for now I am loving it as part of this little vignette I’ve got going on. The desk is a placeholder for now.

Please disregard the mess in the office. I have been on a mad refurnishing of spaces in the past couple of weeks so we are a bit upside down over here.
Stay tuned for the next post with a Part II of painted vases showing how I updated a pair of vases we have had since 2010!
Products Used For This Project
- Rustoleum Cement Spray Paint
- Valspar Color Radiance – Flat Dark Grey (I believe it’s called Blindfold for the color), can’t find a link but was purchased at Lowe’s