First Snow

Husband and I had a long weekend this past weekend. Thank you government holidays! And of course on Saturday it snowed. Not a lot according to South Dakota standards, but enough for us to decide we would be spending the day, indoors.
Husband had been trying to find time to brew his next batch of beer for a while, and I wanted to try my hand at making homemade kombucha, and needed to make more lotion
It was a lazy day, and Jim was far from impressed.
Jeannie only cared about Chippee of course…
The whole it getting dark earlier/frigid temps/Dad having to work all the time, have led to Jim developing a bit of cabin fever from being stuck in the house all the time. To say he has become a bit erratic is an understatement.
He would not come in from the snow.
So on Monday we braved the cold and went to Canyon Lake Park to take a stroll. 
We walked. Observed the 1,526,093 ducks and geese that had taken over the park. Looked at the pretty trees. Nearly busted our tails on ice. Ran up some stairs. Went swimming. And when our piggies signaled that we were just about done with the cold, we went home.

Ducks sliding down the dam

And made hot soup, and Husband baked me a baguette…with a heart on it 🙂

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