DIY Break: Laundry Folding Table

This post is full of ugly pictures. This is what happens after you’ve shared a bottle of wine with your husband and decide 9:00 at night is a good time to start and finish a lingering DIY project 🙂
This little gem was a genius concept, thought up by my darling husband. After purchasing a sweet washer and dryer set, and assuming my current role as a house wife, he thought it would be nice for me to have a folding table to make doing laundry easier. I may have jinxed myself here, after commenting on how nice it was to have the big folding tables at the laundromat at the base hotel. Whether it’s the kitchen, laundry room, or bathroom, I am all about big spaces with lots of room to spread out.
So, he measured up the surface space on top of the washer and dryer and took his list to Lowe’s for supplies. We then stopped by Walmart where we found a surprisingly VERY cheap natural looking fabric and batting to complete the upholstery. 
After refinishing our dining room chairs (coming up in another post) I realized I needed to do a little learning when it came to upholstery. I am proud to say I think I finally figured it out on this piece.
Stapling everything into place.

Never fear, this doubles as an ironing board so I ironed those despicable wrinkles right out (probably the only time I will iron for the indefinite future. My one caveat before we got married, was that I DO NOT iron, and never will. So Husband does the ironing in this family.)

My beautiful finished folding table (and gorgeous washer and dryer – love those things!)

And in case you are wondering if I actually use it, the answer is a big, whopping, YES! It is fantastic to have that big flat, waist level space to fold on. No more back breaking folding on the floor or couch, and I can grab my things straight out of the dryer and fold away. I love it really. 
If you can love doing laundry that is 🙂

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