Discovering Our Hometown: Graveyard Fields
I don’t know if Graveyard Fields is really the most popular camping and hiking spot in Asheville or if I have just always perceived it as such, but it is relatively flat, has a waterfall and swimming hole and is just a short drive from Asheville, so if it’s not…it should be 🙂
In just a few minutes and a very short hike from the parking lot you are lead down wooden stairs and out to a gorgeous waterfall surrounded by greenery and boulders.
In the summertime it’s a fantastic place to cool off which is why it is a popular swimming hole for locals. Beautiful scenery and family friendly fun.
We had just finished our hike at Devil’s Courthouse and couldn’t wait jump into the ice cold pool.
Well I could wait 🙂
Husband jumped right in with no problem, but the last time I visited this watering hole I remember the water being so cold it took my breath away.
Although it was definitely not as shocking as my memory served I still found myself only being able to handle short stints swimming under water because my breathe was lost every time I dove into the chilly water.
We only explored a small part of the total Graveyard Fields trail. Maybe a camping trip to take in the Fall foliage will be in the cards soon?