Boots Just Don’t Look Right With My Bikini
We spent a beautiful (rousing) weekend at the lake that ended perfectly with an afternoon cruise with Cliz and Husband. The sun was shining bright, the weather was somewhere in the mid 80s and the lake was almost completely empty. I wouldn’t have traded it for anything in the world now that I know it could possibly be the last time for another two to three years (or longer) that we will get to have an afternoon at the lake with our best friends.
As perfect as it was there was just one small problem. Fall was knocking with its is crisp hint in the air, and somehow my bikini just didn’t seem right anymore. Summer is slipping away and thoughts of tall boots and comfy scarves are starting to edge their way in my brain. There comes a point every year where even though the weather is still permitting for floating on the lake and soaking in summer’s last few rays of sun, I can’t help but wish I was tailgating at a football game or bundled up in a cozy sweater, and like that (insert snap of the fingers here) Summer and I break up and Fall becomes my new beau.
Fall in the mountains is irreplaceable. Being surrounded by a blanket of oranges, deep reds and yellows makes you feel like you are in a fairy tale world. It almost aches how beautiful this place is when the leaves turn. Fall is by far my absolute favorite season ever. I’m just not sure what could be better than jeans, boots and comfy sweaters and the perfect weather to still play outside and enjoy the breathtaking scenery. Or hard cider drinks, pumpkin inspired everything and dark leafy greens popping up in the garden. Or kicking off the holiday season and giving thanks for this life and this world around us. Or getting up at the crack of dawn to secure a parking spot for the perfect tailgating party. Or wearing silly costumes and pretending you’re a kid again for a night. Or attending the Greek/Renaissance/Oktoberfest festivals and gorging on loukoumades, turkey legs and delicious dark beer.
Ahh Fall how I have missed you. Summer was typical summer for me and will only ever be a fling. He flirts with his handsome tan and veritable cornucopia of fresh fruits and veggies that tempt my taste buds but he can never stand up to your warm cozy fires, hearty squash and pumpkin dishes and artistic display of nature. And besides my boots just don’t look right with my bikini 🙂
Happy (almost) Fall everyone!!!