An Ah Ha Moment

I’m not one of those people that typically posts FB statuses like “I love my life!” More often than not it seems those who are so quick to scream their joy about the state of their life turn right back around a day or hour later cussing about the crappy turn its taken. I try not to go through my life experiencing it as a roller coaster of happy and mad/sad moments but rather a gentle steady cruise looking at the grand picture of blessings that it is.

However, that doesn’t stop me from having little moments that catch my attention as moments of bliss in this life. One such moment happened yesterday.

Husband and I took Jim on a run at the NC Arboretum. It was free parking day and considering I had only been there for a short walk back in high school and a wedding last year I was WAY overdue to explore its beauty. Running down the wooded trail we came upon an area where the leaves had started to turn rich hues of orange and yellow and the sun was peaking through the branches just perfectly. I was winded, still trying to work back up to my former running abilities, but managed to tear my eyes away from the ground and looked up to see a sight that almost brought tears of happiness. Husband and Jim running in the perfect sun, surrounded by nature’s beauty, and me doing something good for myself.

I didn’t have my camera because we were running so I borrow this pic from here.

It was a moment where all I could think was, “I love my life!”

Fresh mountain air, beautiful beautiful surroundings and quality time with the man of my dreams. It almost sparked a FB status but instead I praised the gorgeous Fall in the mountains.

These are the moments that inspiration comes from. When you are living and breathing and doing something to benefit your being.

With blogging I always find I go through waves of inspiration. There are times where every thought seems like a great blog post. And then there are others when I kind of just want to live and not think of every thought as a blog post. I think that is ok. I’ve spoken more than once about life needing to be an ebb and flow, a balance, and this is me finding my balance. I promise not to force posts on this blog to simply put something up. I always want it to be a source of inspiration or reflection for any of you reading it, as well as myself.

I am coming up on my 100th post and 11,000 page views. The fact that so many of you take the time to read my thoughts and peruse my beloved pictures means the world to mean and it makes my heart smile. I hope you continue to visit.

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