A Day In The Life Of The Barn
Sun beams fill the room and opening one eye I’m met with Jim’s sweet face perched on the side of our bed, eyes pleading with me to let him out. I turn off my alarm and nuzzle back into the perfect nook Husband has created and let him hold me for another half hour. Finally ready to address the day I peel out of bed reaching immediately for my PJ pants, fleece and warm bed socks because the cool morning mountain air pricks at my still sleep warmed skin.
Sleepy eyed I walk to the kitchen fill up the tea pot, put it on the stove and press the “hi” button on our antique 1950s stove to warm the front burner. My computer screen flashes on and I sign in. I have arrived at work for the day.
Trying my best not to wake Husband I put away the dishes we hand washed the night before and with no other option set to grinding fresh coffee beans. A few minutes later the steam starts pouring out of the tea kettle and it screams letting me know I’m mere minutes away from sipping my precious brown liquid gold.
Sitting high atop our bar stools I read emails, start in on my writing tasks and wait for Husband to join me. We sit until lunchtime taking turns pouring “mud” from the french press, nothing but the click click click of the keys on our respective keyboards filling the air. I never know what he works on. Sometimes he tries to interest me with his newfound hobby of stock trading but I’m lost almost immediately as soon as he starts talking.
Butt sore and legs cold from the lack of circulation allowed by the bar stool I transition to my post on the couch for a while until our stomachs grumble with hunger. Today it’s boiled turnips, roasted okra, mac n’ cheese and fresh spinach with homemade blue cheese dressing, all compliments of the MIL. Some days its salad topped with all the fresh veggies I can find. Yesterday it was leftover paneer tikka masala from the delicious Indian restaurant we tried last Friday night.
I’ll spend the rest of the afternoon tearing through my tasks while Husband works on his to do list. We will go to the gym, hopefully say hi to my parents and then come home to the warm lighting of our amber colored globe that fills the kitchen to prepare a feast. Most every night warrants a feast of some sort in our little barn. Husband grows tired of the same cuisine every day, as do I, so we rotate indian, asian, italian, greek, southern, you name it cuisines to suit our fancy.
TV trays balanced upon our knees, Netflix tuned to whatever series we are working on, we end our night nestled into the couch before falling asleep to the music of crickets.
This is a day in the life of the barn or rather the life we experience in a day. Every day has been slightly different. Every day has been a blessing. It may not sound too exciting, actually it may sound a little mundane. But it’s hard to put in words what working with a little brown dog snuggled up to your leg, or soaking in the sunshine and breathing the fresh air while sitting on the deck, or having unlimited access to your formerly very absent husband, or looking at a breathtaking view while feeling warm sudsy water on your hands, or catching your husband in an embrace that turns into a short impromptu slow dance to the tune of Van Morrison…does for the human soul. Yes I believe a more appropriate title would have been A Life In The Day.